
Hi there, my name is Armando Lopez Moreno, I’m a Cuban musician, resident in Asia and the Middle East, with over 20 years of experience in the music industry. I can help you create amazing songs, beats, jingles, or any other kind of audio content you need. Whether you want to make a catchy pop tune, a relaxing ambient track, or a hard-hitting rap beat, I can do it for you. I have a home studio with high-quality equipment and software, and I can work with any genre, style, or mood.

I also offer mixing, mastering, and editing services to make your music sound perfect. You can check out some of my previous work on my Fiverr profile and see what my clients have to say about me. I’m passionate about music and I love working with new artists and projects. If you’re looking for a reliable, creative, and affordable music producer, look no further.

Contact me today and let’s make some awesome music together!

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